Project Manager

Project manager leads teams to deliver quality projects within specified constraints of time and cost to reach a goal. This includes managing financials, schedules and adhering to quality and systems development life cycle (SDLC) guidelines throughout the development life cycle. Project manager also manages the risks and project change requests to ensure the project is delivered on time. 


Project Manager Resume Sample:

Project Manager Resume Sample

Some specific duties for this role include:

> Building and motivating a team to meet project goals

> Managing all aspects of a project to ensure that the program supports the overall strategic objectives

> Acting as an internal quality control check

> Reporting on project success results, metrics and deployment activities.

> Preparing estimates and a detailed plan for all phases of the project.

> Developing and delivering progress reports to various audiences, including the CEO and key stakeholders.


Average salary for a Project Manager is $72 000 in United States (45k-105k): 

- Project Manager Junior (1-3 years experience) $58 000 (35k-85k) 

- Project Manager Middle (4-6 years experience) $68 000 (45k-100k)   

- Project Manager Senior (7-9 years experience) $75 000 (45k-110k)  

- Project Manager Lead (more 10 years experience) $82 000 (55k-115k)  


Project Manager should have:

- Bachelor of Science in Information Systems Management or related area;

- Project Managment experience;

- Proficiency in IT Strategy, Project Management, Effective Communication, Time Management etc. 


Project Manager should use for resume constcuctions  ""Accomplished [Х] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]"

For example “Cutted tech expenses by over $100,000 by identifying shortcomings in IT operating budgets."

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